Sunday, 8 March 2009


It's good to talk, I can look at my feelings once they have sounds and motions. It was the same when I used to write but not exactly the same since now it can be difficult to return to those sounds and see their motions while looking at the written words was always possible you know, and my handwriting was there with its constant changing.
Since that cold freezing day I started to talk even more and started to write much less and I don't mind if I won't be able to see those words again and I'm not wondering if my handwriting has been changing since then. And you started to be written in like a notebook from that day and it was freezing cold...


Unknown said...

It is strange that my daughter asked me 2 days ago to burn for her a copy of the film Notebook.

The Notebook

Anonymous said...

And you will never forget that cold freezing day for your whole lifetime...
I'm positive!