Tuesday, 30 December 2008

And Van Gogh

With a bit of appetite for good paintings, yesterday had to be the day for Vincent van Gogh museum. From some of his works more known in Iran I was so curious to see more and there they were, to my amateur view more enchanting than I had expected them to be.
Looking at those colorful and distinct stroke brushing canvases gave this impression that whoever created those must have been full of desire and appreciation for life which made his tragic life difficult to believe.
Yesterday like many other days the entrance of the museum was packed with tourists waiting to see the works of so-called crazy at his time, neither wealthy nor famous artist.


jeerjeerak said...

I loved this paiting you posted here. excellent pick :)

Banafshe said...

That was so nice .Have a nice time with your husband:)

T said...

hello (salam khaljan :)
you have very beautiful blog.
(behetoon mail mifrestam !)