Tuesday, 9 September 2008

New Big Bang

Apparently, science gets noticed when it seems frightening otherwise people like to talk about politics preferably and maybe it's because politics IS frightening.

Large Hodron Collider is a device built and located near Geneva, Switzerland and it's expected to answer several crucial questions. Tomorrow is the experiment day at the LHC. Some see the outcomes comparable with Einstein's theory of relativity and some others think tomorrow is their last day as the world will be destroyed!


Don Cox said...

It will be months before any particles actually collide. Until then, they will be testing to make sure it is all working properly.

Behdokht said...

Yes that is right, the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place on 21 October and that explains why we're still alive today :D.

Nava said...

Soooo, I concluded too soon when this morning I woke up and was glad we were all alive!!
Still got time to write our wills I guess...
Although, if the earth gets self swallowed, no wills matter anymore!

Hiva said...

Doo0000m day is commmiiiiinnnngggg :::))))