1- I bought the book of "The kite Runner" on our way to Spain in Milan airport. I wanted to read the story first before watching its movie. I usually enjoy books better than their movies, now I have no idea what is the story all about so I can enjoy the story before the movie probably ruins my neutral mind!
2- Last night we realized internet connection prices in this hotel that we're staying right now are extremely expensive. But this morning we figured out there is a free access of high speed internet 24 hours within our entire stay which means the company is covering all the costs which is just P-E-R-F-E-C-T :).
3-Today I had the best time, we toured around Barcelona. I must say that this city is incredibly charming.
The picture above is made by Javier Mariscal called Gambrinus done for the Olympics. It's located at the end of Passeig de Colom.
Photo by Mr.Behi
About the book Behi I should warn you, be ready to cry everynight. Actually Nima's friend gave the book to him as a gift . I read it and really enjoy it but I coudln't help crying. now because of that Nima don't want to read the book or see the movie :)))
enjoy your trip
I know exactly what you're saying Hiva joon. I've already finished half of the book and the only word can fully describe my feeling is "pain". It's not just a random story of a sad history;it's something that you feel has been always right there when you walked in the streets and you were so used to see Afghan refugees.
People that you share many same cultural things with them. It's just so painful...
Dearesr Behi
I am so happy that the internet is free for you guys. The price they asked for was outrageous.
About Kite runner I totally agree that for us as Iranians It is a kind of a self-educating book; by reading Khaled Hosseini's books one realizes the similarities between the two cultures (Afghans and Iranians)Then I cannot help but to think how badly we as a society treated Afghan refugees.
After you finished Kite Runner I recommend you to read his second book A Thousand Splendid Suns. It is an interesting book and more focused on women's issues.
Tameshk jan, I will definitely read this another book of Hosseini's that you recommended.
I just finished reading The Kite Runner and I think it's so hard to deal with all those bitter facts without feeling really hurt emotionally. And what you said about Iranians' bad treatments of Afghan refugees is sadly true.
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