Thursday, 2 August 2007

Just Too Much!

I don't know exactly from where all these "too much" things started. The night before last night I took a shower before going to sleep,
the next morning I woke up with a hair looking like this except it was worse than Lisa's:

So, I washed my hair again before going to my hairdresser for having a haircut. Assistant of the hairdresser ,as soon as I arrived, started to wash my hair for I really don't know how many times. At the same time she was massaging my head for exactly 25 minuets. She really must have loved washing and massaging!

The next thing I just did and I still don't know why exactly I did that, was drinking too much coffee during 4 hours.

I had too much dinner then.

I started thinking too much about my concerns and plans.

I ended up feeling not so good. Then I just needed to get a rest but I had no idea the final part was getting to start: I had to listen to a huge fight between my poor body which was objecting all the weird things that had happened to her AND my mind which was trying to get everything back to normal and calm my exhausted body.

I do not remember when they solved all their disagreements maybe that was right in the moment I fell asleep...

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