Friday 5 July 2013


Since almost 3 years ago, all I've done was around a deadline to submit a paper, and by all I mean ALL. I'm literally exhausted, don't get me wrong, whenever I look at the data, the beautiful data soon to be submitted, and the painting I did on the brain sections, the incredible world that I see under the confocal microscope, and for all I've learned within these years I say it was worth the pain and the difficult days. But, I have difficulty remembering and recognizing myself, and that what else I can be and do beside doing experiments. It's been almost 2 years since my last trip to Iran, and I'm still emotionally attached to that part of the planet. I un/consciously ignore my feeling until I miss there so deeply that I start dreaming about places, streets and our apartment in Tehran. The dream is not so frequent but the effect is so deep. In the body of a grown up person, I still cry like a baby for hours if someone in my work environment says or does something that I find hurtful. 


khadijateri said...

I know the feeeling very very well.

Hiva said...

You deserve a very nice vacation Behi joonam. I love you