Sunday, 16 December 2012

In some years from now, how would I describe these days, the last few years? How would I remember this period of my life, and people I've been meeting so far? How would I remember myself, the places and cities I'm passing and spending my time each and every single day? I can imagine things would be remembered with a flavor of sweetness, and perhaps more pleasant than how I feel about them now. They don't come naturally in perspective to my senses. I have to actively remind them to myself to see them as real as they are. I have to fight for them to see them as they are. It's dark outside, it's one of those times that I have a lot of thoughts, not very clear ones, and I cannot see a clear pathway when I switch from one to another. Each is showing itself and then disappears and then the next comes quietly. I think to myself how things would look later on. Looking at him sitting on his chair right next to me, looking at his face, thinking of so much history, memories, and short or long stories... I get back to my hazy random thoughts, I switch to him, to his always reassuring face, reassuring kindness, this is one of those nights...

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